How difficult the word Love is to define... Everyone’s perception of this word can be different. It's easy to love your partner, husband, wife, mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, granddad, your children and family members. But many people find it difficult to love other people, neighbours, strangers, animals and sea creatures. We all come from the same source originally, the same creator, so why so difficult to love one another? When we come from the same place?
I think we all come from God and have to find our own way back home, to God after living through our many life experiences. I am not religious but I do believe in universal source light and honour and respect people that do follow a religion, as long as they do not harm others or inflict their own views on others, after all, we have free will and should be allowed to make our own decisions. I do believe we are one family ultimately and what we do to others karmically will be returned sooner or later. So never give up on Love and please Believe in Love. Life can be extremely difficult for some... I understand this, but out of unhappiness, I believe good will come. Why would God want us to be unhappy all of the time? What would be the point?

Sometimes it's necessary to take a step back from people and think how would I react in that situation, how would I feel in those circumstances, a little love and understanding goes a long way. The problem with some people is that they naturally only think of themselves! But hey you do not have to be like this. It's always important to respect others even if you do not agree with what others are doing or saying that is, of course, their own personal choice. We are what we create ourselves to be, by our thinking.
Always believe in love, believe in yourself, and believe in God and if you are having a difficult day then ask Archangel Metaziel and Archangel Honoriel who are the 2 new Archangels to our planet, that surround the 144 Temples of Goldenlight, they are here to help you. When we get stressed it's difficult for us to think clearly, so the temples of golden light and the archangels and rainbow angels can lift us up energetically so that we can see with clarity and be filled with grace. You can meditate or pray or go for a walk in nature and connect with these wonderful temples. They are places of pure bliss and peace and because they are temples that surround the earth in the etheric of mother earth, they can be accessed and used by anyone, anywhere, anytime.
So – Love and Golden Light to you all, Believe in Love and Respect others.
Linda xxx
